Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Craigslist Crap

I do a lot of searching on my local craigslist for hidden jewels of furniture but mostly it's just crap...and expensive crap at that!
Here are a few choice items I found recently...

A grand? Really? For some horribly lumpy shabby shit?

What can $40,100 get you on Craigslist?

Wow, a stripper pole, couch and chairs. "Custom Dance Pole & Stage: This was purchased from platinumstages.com and has only been used a couple times. I'm leaving the state otherwise i would never give this up. Description This stripper stage and pole is perfect for Nightclubs, Fraternity houses, Dorm Rooms, Living Rooms..." Yes, classy...

The carpet is so disgusting in these pictures.

Monday, April 21, 2008

All About Orla

Lately I've been all about Orla Kiely
I love her textiles and prints. They're so graphic, a little bit retro and pure fun.

I bought the two left wallpapers. The one on the top for the office and the one on the bottom for a room in my bedroom. Of course I haven't put them up yet. But when I do pics to follow. Here is a peek of what they look like in someone elses house...

The second pic is a house designed with her textiles. I love those chairs!!

I just recently broke down and bought an Orla bag and wallet off ebay. Working for an ebay related company is a bit dangerous because I get to look for random lovelyness to buy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Let There Be Light!

I've just recently started a lighting design class which is very interesting. I love learning about the subtle variations and moods that can be created by just changing the lighting or even a light bulb. Something friendly and warm can turn to cold and clinical with the flip of a switch. So I've been assessing the lighting needs of the house and it's in desperate need of a redesign. The kitchen doesn't have enough task lighting and the over heads we have now are just to bright and produce a harsh glare. I'd like to take down the cabinets on the wall replace them with these...

Ikea ASPVIK shelves
I think it will give it a nice modern look and also I'll be able to show case our nice new colorful Fiesta Ware I just love. I bought the bright blue, orange, red and yellow sets. It's so bright and cheerful. Reminds me of mexico. I think that's the look I want to go for is a cheerful, modern mexican kitchen.

Fiesta Ware

I found this great Danish Modern lamp at the Salvation Army super cheap the other day. I ended up tossing the shade cause it was horrid and was looking online for a barrel shade for it when I stumbled upon this website...
Meteor Lights

They have the coolest retro fiberglass shades ever and a cool little flash game where you can design what style of lamp you want and what colors etc.

I'll have to take some pics of my recent thrift store finds. I've been having lots of luck lately. A mid century credenza for 10 bucks, the danish modern lamp, a danish modern chair and some cool odds and ends.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Print Mafia

I am very excited at the moment because I just purchased my first prints from

Print Mafia

I've been admiring their work for the longest time and finally decided that I *needed* their work to adorn the walls of my office. So I chose these...

I absolutely adore Pam Grier and love Coffy so I had to get this poster.

" I got my black belt in bar stools!"

I just like the creepy effect of Twiggy's demon eyes in this one.

Yea more art for my office! It's looking really sparse and echos a lot unfortunately. I can't wait till it's all done and decorated.